Electric scooter
Redécouvre le plaisir
d’être libre !
Ride … with confidence and our service
Go for it, don’t ask yourself questions.
We have designed our scooters with quality products.
Discover the city, differently!
Roll, roll, roll
and don’t ask yourself questions!
You can reload
where and when you want your changeable battery *
*Model T2
Our electric scooters for adults and children,
practical, fast and ecological,
allow you to discover the city differently,
and move with emotion.
Good to be seen!
When it gets dark, remember to turn on your front and rear headlights.
And your brake light will warn that you are slowing down.
Safety first !

Rediscover the pleasure of being free on a scooter
Mentalities are changing as is mobility in cities. City dwellers are turning more and more towards soft mobility and in particular towards electric scooters, much more ecological and above all faster for your journeys in town.
Easy-to-transport electric scooters
Our long experience as a manufacturer and distributor of electric scooters in Belgium, in the field of mobility, has allowed us to understand everyone’s needs: from individuals, adults, children, to leasing companies, including car manufacturers. . Soft or alternative mobility is becoming our daily reality, and our wish is to provide you with a personalized solution.
At My-Escooter, we pay attention to detail, quality and durability. Our electric scooters are designed in Belgium to give you maximum pleasure for maximum time.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, or one of our official resellers, with any Escooter questions or advice.
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